
Wednesday, September 18, 2013


It is very easy to label someone wrong, wicked worthless or bad, it is very easy to be judgemental which we are most of the time about most of the things, about most people. But later when we spend some more time and re-evaluate, we regret our judgement. We realise we were either impulsive or were thoughtlessly following others.

When we commit a blunder we do so without realising that we are committing a mistake. At times it has got nothing to do with our upbringing or our roots. Yes, there are few traits or behaviours for which our genes are responsible, our family background is responsible but the most prevailing factor which dictates every course of action that we take is perhaps 'circumstance'.

Yes, situations can ruin our happiness and force us to take steps which we would abhor otherwise. Circumstances can break the strongest of individuals, can snatch every bit of goodness from our soul and steer us towards misconduct. We can lose hope, self-confidence and slip into a self-destructive mode, but like everything even the 'bad' side of an individual is also not everlasting.

However, we need a strong support system of family, friends and well-wishers to overcome the hurdles. Those who lack this care in their life are perhaps the unluckiest ones but it is never too late to reconcile and reunite. It is alright to give a large chunk of time to our spouses/girlfriend/boyfriend and kids and it is ok if our life revolves around them but spending a few precious minutes with our near and dear ones will do us no harm.

I reckon having an extended family to fall back on and a dependable circle of friends will give us a great deal of mental peace and help us to combat an otherwise stressful life. Sharing and caring has no alternative, this is something I have learned a hard way. Dealing with life essentially means dealing with the circumstances, favourable or unfavourable and the bitter fact is, we do not have any other choice. Even our decisions are influenced by our circumstances. We have to live till we are dead and that also means tactfully tackling the circumstances.


  1. It is true that extended family gives tremendous strength to face all circumstances, but at present, due to our selfish nature, we have forgotten the importance of extended families.

    In the present time you have to face circumstances yourself. Very thought provoking write up.

    1. Thank you Kailash would not be right to generalise but yes I agree some of us have indeeed forgotten the importance of an extended family. But it is again these very circumstances which remind us of their importance..

  2. Aparnaji very well written.

  3. Aparanaji,
    In joint family, in olden times always helped each other & life was quite happy.These days in independent families where husband & wife both are working have to depend on maids.Who never get attached to the housewife.So life is very difficult.
    You are right completely.

    1. yes, you have rightly pointed out the problem of a nuclear family

  4. a joint family without understanding among each other is not good rather worse than staying isolated. i saw in my childhood, scenes like Bigg Boss(TV channel reality show)and very rare scenes in houses where there are understandings or a good team leader with real far sight. People were good among each other only superficially.

  5. Only in rare cases and in ideal atmosphere i saw that there was good understanding and really sharing the problem in true sense. In most of the cases i saw situations like the realty show Bigg Boss. Please do not mind my saying the hard word that possibly ladies of the house complicate the situation more than the Gents. My own uncle was brought up by my father who after marriage behaved in a different way and my father was shocked and became a heart patient.

  6. It seems as though extended families are becoming a thing of the past aren't they? It's sad :(

  7. कल 21/09/2013 को आपकी पोस्ट का लिंक होगा पर

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you for dropping by Debrupa.Appreciate the encouragement



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